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JULY 18, 2018

Charles W. Herbster Hosts Miss USA during Nebraska Homecoming Week

Conklin Company Owner, Chief Executive Officer, and President Charles W. Herbster showcased his Midwest hospitality earlier this week by hosting the first Nebraskan to ever be crowned Miss USA at a series of special Homecoming Week events. Sarah Rose Summers was crowned Miss USA 2018 on May 21 and will represent the United States in the Miss Universe Pageant later this year.

Mr. Herbster helped kick off Miss USA's Homecoming Week by hosting an invitation-only event at his Omaha residence on Monday (7/16) evening where numerous business and civic leaders were able to speak with Miss USA and hear how she got involved in pageants, what it takes to win Miss USA, and what Ms. Summers will be doing as Miss USA this year.

"We were excited to host Miss USA, along with nearly 90 other distinguished guests," shared Mr. Herbster. "During this special meet and greet with Miss USA, we had the tremendous honor of bestowing her with a proclamation stating July 16 will be Sarah Rose Summers Day in Nebraska. Former Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman, who serves as a member of Conklin Company's Board of Directors, formally presented Miss USA with this public declaration."

In an official release produced by the company that holds the state licenses for many of the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA state pageants, Mr. Herbster is noted as a Nebraska businessman and Falls City farmer and cattleman, as well as Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Herbster Angus Farms Inc., North American Breeders Inc., Conklin Company Inc., and Judy's Dream Inc. It also stated, "Not only is he a successful entrepreneur, but a philanthropist as well."

Miss USA's homecoming tour includes several activities at various locations across the state of Nebraska this week, including visiting Cedars Home for Children, speaking to the Lincoln Rotary, participating in numerous radio and television interviews and news conferences, attending several local meet and greets, and being the guest of honor at a formal gala and reception where Mr. Herbster will have the distinct honor of introducing Miss USA Sarah Rose Summers.

Mr. Herbster continued, "I held great admiration for Ms. Summers as Miss Nebraska USA during the Miss USA competition, especially for her answer during one of the final questions of the contest. When asked what she would put on her sign while attending a march, she responded, 'Speak your voice…speak to people when they have questions. Communicate with them.'" Solid communication skills are essential in any industry. As a business leader, you must be able to communicate effectively, which also translates to Ms. Summer's work with the Miss USA organization. I know, without a doubt, that she'll use this valuable skill, along with the many other attributes that helped her win the Miss USA competition, and positively serve the great state of Nebraska and the nation as a whole with the relentless passion that earned her the title of Miss USA."

For numerous years, Mr. Herbster has been an advocate for those who show exceptional academic ability and achievement, leadership, community involvement, service to others, and career vision and goals—all characteristics prevalent in those who compete in the Miss USA competition. Mr. Herbster is a proud supporter of the academic development of students pursuing higher learning and has firmly invested in the education of America’s youth and the country’s future leaders through the Charles W. Herbster Foundation.

Read the complete official release and view Miss USA's Homecoming Week schedule here.

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